Contact Me

I would love to hear from you, initially please email me; and let me know the service you are interested in, your name and prefered email address I can contact you on.
Privacy Notice
To be compliant with the new GDPR I need to make you aware of how I use your personal information when you contact me. Please be assured that I will only use your contact details to reply to your initial enquiry. I do not store, use this information in any way other than to respond to you or send you marketing material. I will not disclose any of your personal information to any other parties and your personal information will remain confidential at all times. Should you choose to have treatments from me and become a client I will ask you to sign a GDPR consent form detailing your rights under the new legislation and I will explain why I have to take and retain certain information from you in order to provide safe treatments and abide by the code of ethics I follow as a member of the Association of Reflexologists and the Acupuncture Association.